Hello lovely gals and pals! I hope you're having a wonderful time wherever you are and whatever you're doing.
Today I'm gonna tell you about my travels. Specially about my trip to South America. It truly has been one of the most important trips of my life.
I'll divide the posts in parts so this doesn't get too long.
In México is so very usual to have a celebration when a girl turns XV. People have massive parties with even bigger dresses. In my family, there was no such thing. We all chose to travel to another place.
Ever since I can remember I've been completely infatuated with Argentina. So naturally, I chose to go to Buenos Aires for my Quinces. Yeah, it was many years ago, but imagine how much it meant to me that I never let myself forget anything about it.
The first destination was Santiago, Chile. We stayed in a bed and breakfast meets airbnb, where the people who ran the place were so charming and threw the most marvellous breakfasts for their guests (Marcelo, I miss your breakfasts). I will never forget their fresh baked chia and peach goodies. It's been 6 years and I still think about them so you can imagine how amazing they were.
The city of Santiago is so very very beautiful. I hated how much the people smoke there, though. But the city was so very precious and I had wonderful food with my mother and aunt.
Even though the people were as lovely as they come, full of people with the longest eyelashes I'd ever seen and the city buildings had me obsessed.
What shocked me the most was that I had to experience and witness police brutality towards students.
I will never forget how we were walking and people were running in the opposite direction, shops were closing the doors/ windows. We were standing in the middle of the street with what probably was a very very confused face, so eventually a kind man told us to run in the opposite direction because police men were coming "están viniendo los carabineros".
I saw so many young boys running and escaping police men that were riding their horses.
We walked back to our hotel and the men than ran the place were standing right on the sidewalk. We were scared and so were they. A boy ran to us and asked us if he could go inside, the owners told him no, because apparently if they hid these boys, they would be in so much trouble. Like when Voldemort was looking for Harry Potter and anyone who knew where he was and didn't say anything was punished.
A police man riding a motorcycle caught up to him and hit him right in from of me with a baton. One of the owners got really mad and told him "HEY WHY ARE YOU HITTING HIM?!" and another police man riding his motorcycle drove by and slapped the owner as he drove away, chasing the boy who just wanted somewhere to hide and you know, to not be beat up or worse.
I never really knew why it happened (I do now, students wanted a response from their government regarding politicians who denied enrollment to students in their community schools). I was 15 and stupid. Sadly, at that time in my life I didn't really know anything about anything and apparently had no interest in learning more about why it happened. I just know it shocked and scared me to death.
I decided to write about it, because even though I didn't question it back then, I never really forgot the events. Every time I read about police brutality and violence against students I automatically go back to that moment
I had been there for 4 days and it was already a life changing trip.
