Hello guys, guess who's back? (tell a friend)
We've all been going through the roughest of times with COVID- 19 and quarantine. With this extra time, I decided to revive jolievie, so, if you're here I want to thank you for your time.
First of all, I would like to start this post by acknowledging my privileged circumstances in this pandemic and if you have all of your loved ones with you (online, of course), food, a job, and a roof above your head, I encourage you to do the same.
At the very beginning of this pandemic I was so confused and clueless as of what to do with all this time I didn't usually have, specially time with myself and my thoughts. I also went through a broken heart (I'm actually dealing with this situation, not even gonna lie to you)
We are never taught how to deal with our emotions so I'm guessing you went for exactly what I went through.
There were days where I would do so many activities, from cooking to meditating to dancing and the days where I was feeling so sad and trapped I would feel extremely mad for being so bottled up in my own sadness and even guilty for not being as productive that day. It's been a hell of a rollercoaster.
It's been 5 months since the quarantine started. And I believe I'm just starting to understand what makes me feel better.
I would have loved to read a manual of how to deal with global mess, devastating news, a pandemic, heartbreak and missing terribly your friends and family. But since that guide does not exist... I hope that what I do to deal with all of these, may help you as well.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT judge yourself. If you feel like doing all the stuff you didn't do in years, do it. But also, if you feel like what you really want to do right now is watch Gilmore Girls and cry, then do it. Also understand that your body and mind are going through something you never went through before. So if things are changing, be kind to yourself and understand that at the end of the day, you're just doing your best.
If it's in your possibilities, seek for a psychologist. Talking to an expert about your feelings and your thoughts can be such a life-saver right now. If you live with someone, communication/misunderstandings/empathy/respect may be a tricky road right now. Group therapy, can really help to make this quarantine much more endurable. A therapist can help you to set healthy boundaries.
Try to stay in touch with the people you love. It's so easy to get swallowed up in ourselves that we can unconsciously push people away. Try to remind people you care and love them. We all can have bad days where we don't want to talk to anybody, so remember that even if you don't talk to someone everyday, that doesn't take anyone's love for anyone and an unanswered text doesn't mean they hate you.
Workout. Sounds like maybe not such a good idea, right? You don't have to workout out for 3 hours till you can't move. You can dance and do something fun. It can really help you get to know and love your body better. Exercise gives you endorphines and as our beloved Elle Woods would say: Endorphines make you happy, happy people don't shoot their husbands.
Cry every once in a while. This is so important, you guys! I need to practice this way more. Anyway, crying is such a healthy thing to do for your mental and sentimental health sake. It can lift a heavy weight off your shoulders.
Do something you love. I cannot stress anymore of this one!!!!! If you know that something makes you feel so alive, try to do it as often as you can and don't let laziness get you away from it. Learn that dance routine, play an instrument, watch you favourite movie, meditate, bake that cake, play that video game. Please do not forget to fill your soul.
Stop thinking about harmful things. Easier said than done, right? Back in april, with my broken heart, I noticed a lot of the terrible voids in my heart and chest were caused because I could not stop thinking of this person and the situation. It was a constant 24/7 of feeling like actual garbage.
I discovered that if I think about it and dismiss it to continue to think of something I actually want to think about, it stopped the drilling feeling of devastation. Your mind creates all of your emotions. Controlling your thoughts is so damn c o m p l i c a t e d, but it has helped me to not torture myself. And to actually be aware of how much I did it.
Organize your time. This was the trickiest one for me. I focused so much in things that harm me and I went to bed everyday feeling so incomplete. Humans find so much comfort in routine, we're creatures of habit, so even if you have 25 or 3 activities a day, try to set your goals of what you want to achieve that day, it's a way out of limbo.
Breathe. If you can go to a rooftop, garage or garden where you can really breathe fresh air, please do it. It's so relaxing and healthy for your mind and body. Try to be grateful for what you have, for the people you love and that love you. Disconnecting a little bit from social media is self care.
Sometimes life can be so hectic and unpleasant. But it is also so fragile and unpredictable, even in a pandemic, life should be enjoyed.
I hope that some of these may be of use to you and if they don't I hope you find whatever eases your mind, soon.
Stay safe, xx